Chimera Art Award 2016 - Open Call
A Chimera Art Award célja, hogy támogassa a nemzetközi kulturális cserét és segítse a feltörekvő művészeket abban, hogy láthatóvá váljanak a világ művészeti színterén.
Indul a harmadik Chimera Art Award Open Call!
A pályázás menete és a fontos tudnivalók itt érhetőek el.
Az angol nyelvű felhívás alább olvasható:
Chimera-Project is pleased to announce the launch of the third Chimera Art Award – we kick off the 2016 edition with the international open call starting now until June 1, 2016.
The goal of the Chimera Art Award is to raise artists international visibility. Founder and name giver of the award is the Budapest based contemporary art gallery, Chimera Project. The sponsor of the award is, online artist portfolio platform. Both founders are committed to develop different professional tools and means to make emerging artists noticed and boost their career. Co-sponsor of the award is the Zucker Art Collection from Budapest.
In the past two years the Chimera Art Award received a great international attention: Find more infos about the 2014 and 2015 edition here:
The prize of this years winner is a solo exhibition at the Chimera-Project Gallery (Opening: October 28, 2016). The prize includes an exhibition budget, travel costs and accommondation in Budapest (up to 1000 USD), an exhibition review and a professional account on the portfolio platform.
The Chimera Art Award has an independent international jury of art professionals. In 2016 the jury consists of Stéphane Bauer, director of Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien in Berlin, Dóra Maurer, artist from Budapest, and Judith Welter, director of Kunsthaus Glarus in Switzerland.
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